1. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that a pre-born human baby is not a human being deserving of protection from killing, and neither is a baby that was born 10 minutes ago if the mother decides she doesn’t want to keep it.
Hoxie says that Democrats don't want to kill babies. They value life and understand that birth is just the beginning, that children need adequate food and shelter, that children should be nurtured and loved, not warehoused, caged or sold for the pleasure of deviant, pedophiliac micreants or slave labor.
2. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that capitalism, which has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and despair worldwide, is evil; but socialism, which has caused the oppression, impoverishment, starvation, and death of hundreds of millions of people over the past century, is the only hope of the future.
Hoxie says that the last three Democratic presidents had to clean up the messes of their Republican predecessors. Capitalism has not lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and despair; in recent years it has created more wealth for people who are in need of no more. It is not evil, but the people who abuse it are. Capitalism has exported American jobs to foreign countries, putting more people out of work, with the domino effect of foreclosures, evictions, homelessness, and declining health.
3. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that the best solution for rioting, looting, arson, and violence in the streets is to defund the police.
Hoxie says that a worthwhile solution for rioting, looting, arson, and violence in the streets is 1) for police to cease their abuses of authority and stop killing people in the streets; 2) keep your white skinfolk from contributing to chaos by deliberately destroying property and starting fires; 3) divert some funds from police (who should not be outfitted, equipped and armed as soldiers in combat in the first place) and use those funds to deal with issues police should not have to deal with, like social services and mental health.
4. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that all the gains in the economy under Trump were really caused by Obama, but the worldwide economic crash following China’s unleashing of a pandemic was caused by Trump.
Hoxie says that all the gains in the economy under the Obama administration have been lost under the current administration, not because China unleashed a pandemic, but because the current administration failed to do what could be done to contain it.
5. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that Trump has a plan to rig the next election that involves making the Obama Administration remove thousands of mailboxes several years ago. Also, that the Post Office is removing little-used mailboxes in Oregon because the key to Trump’s reelection is for him to win Oregon.
Hoxie says that *45 has a plan(s) to rig the next election just as he did his first.
6. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that on that [previous] subject, that nobody ever complained about the US Post Office being slow, inefficient, and unreliable until Trump was elected.
Hoxie says that the US Post Office has become even more slow, inefficient, and unreliable because of the removal of sorting equipment, among other measures, that further slow down delivery of mail.
7. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that America is an oppressive, racist, white supremacist nation that’s the root of all evil in the world and its culture is inferior to that of other nations, including the many nations where people are willing to risk their lives just for the chance to come to America.
Hoxie says that America has become more of what it used to be: an oppressive, racist, white supremacist nation, not the root of all evil in the world, but a contributing factor to the birth of terrorist organizations whose initial leaders were used, abused, misused and cast aside by American agencies. We can be better than that.
8. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that Trump built “cages for children” on the border during the Obama Administration.
Hoxie says that while the fence enclosures were built during the Obama administration, they were for temporary use, not to warehouse children for months, and not to deny parents the right to reclaim their children as has been done in the current administration. Records will show that the current administration made little attempt to even track children so that they could be reunited with their parents.
9. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that viruses spread like wildfire at church services, but not at crowded protest rallies for leftwing causes. Also, viruses spread at bars that serve chips, but not at bars that serve sandwiches. Because “science!”
Hoxie says that the threat of Covid-19 does not discriminate between bars and sacred spaces, and that “opening up the economy” has been detrimental to many. (The threat of ebola was contained under the Obama administration but allowing our medical and scientific experts to do what they are equpped to do. Three people died of ebola in the United States. Compare that to 170,000+ who succumbed to Covid-19.) And because God gave us not only the desire to gather for worship, but a brain that we should not have to check at the door. So, for many, worship in the “church of the livingroom” is safer and healthier than elbow-to-elbow in a sanctuary.
10. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that people with male genitals are women just because they say they are, but people who say that actually having female genitals makes them women are intolerant, transphobic bigots.
Hoxie says that until some people have a family member who is predisposed to deviate from their physiological gender, they treat all such people as “other.” Those so predisposed are also Americans too.
11. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that hospitals must be forced to give gynecological exams to “women” with male genitals, and taxpayers forced to pay for abortions for them.
Hoxie says that from her perspective, abortions are not acceptable measures of birth control, but if an unborn life is not viable and would suffer endlessly, or a mother’s life is in danger, or, God forbid, conception is the result of rape, the decision to abort is between a mother and God. Hoxie cannot see how taxpayers are okay with paying millions for *45's golf outings but would deny a woman relief under some circumstances.
12. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that, again on that subject, that someone born male who developed a muscular masculine physique before deciding he was a girl has no unfair physical advantage in sports over the much smaller teenage girl whose face (s)he is crushing into the wrestling mat.
Hoxie says that the one point on which I agree: “that someone born male who developed a muscular masculine physique before deciding he was a girl has no unfair physical advantage in sports over the much smaller teenage girl whose face (s)he is crushing into the wrestling mat.” Problem is, I do not believe Democrats believe this.
13. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that Trump botched the response to COVID-19 by xenophobically shutting down travel from China and crashing the economy with a shutdown, but Democrats would have prevented both the pandemic and the crash by not stopping travel from China and shutting down the economy sooner, harder and longer. Also, it’s absolutely impossible for Trump to keep people from crossing our border, but he could have kept a virus from crossing our border.
Hoxie says that *45 indeed botched the response to COVID-19, not by shutting down travel from China, but by throwing out the pandemic play book left to him by the previous administration (you know, the one that cleaned up the mess of ITS previous administration), by stifling our medical and scientific experts, by pirating medical supplies purchased by organizations and institutions for their own use, by not maintaining our stockpile of supplies and equipment. Some stuff should be rotated out periodically because over time it looses its efficacy. It’s called rotating the stock.
14. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that t an acceptable way to express how much you care about black lives is to burn black neighborhoods, loot black-owned businesses, and tear down statues of abolitionist leaders. Also, that all black lives matter except those of black cops, black Republicans, and black pre-born babies.
Hoxie says that all lives will not matter until Black lives matter, and all looting and burning and destruction are not effectuated by Black people. As to Black cops, Black Republics, and Black pre-born babies: Black cops have been beaten by their white co-workers. Black Republicans who pledge allegiance to *45 are no longer Republicans; they are Trumplicans. Black pre-born babies, when born, deserve the care as white babies, an idea that is lost on those who care only for their “pre-born” status.
15. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that t free healthcare is a right, free college is a right, free food is a right, a guaranteed paycheck is a right, and citizenship for illegal immigrants is a right, but free speech and freedom of religion are not rights.
Hoxie says that no human being is illegal, even though said human being may be undocumented. Nothing is free – not healthcare, college or food. How they are acquired, however, should not be oppressive. Other countries have found a way to balance basic needs like healthcare, education and food. Many of our institutions, especially those Ivy League monstrosities built on the backs of Hoxie's fore parents, are more financial sound than many countries. There is no such thing is a guaranteed paycheck. The guarantee should be that people have access to education and training so that they can be responsible citizens and provide for themselves and their families through work for which they are fairly compensated. Citizenship for undocumented workers who were brought here as children, and who know only this country as home, should not be obstructed by onerous regulations and should not be used as bargaining chips. Free speech and freedom of religion are rights, AND the rights of each stop where the rights of another start. Say what you want, and if you incite hate, riotous behavior that puts another in jeopardy, you have gone too far. Worship whomever and however you want, and don’t try to dictate to others whom and how they should worship.
16. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that the people who presided over the rise of ISIS, the Iraq and Afghan wars, a nuclear Iran and North Korea, and even Iran falling to the Mullahs in the first place, are trusted diplomatic professionals, while the man who crushed ISIS, dealt with Iran and North Korea, and crafted a historic Middle East peace agreement is a dangerous amateur who’s destroying our foreign policy.
Hoxie says that to this day, thee is no such thing as peace in the middle East. That is as it has been for decades. And yes, *45 is a dangerous amateur who has all but destroyed our foreign policy.
17. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that disproven rumors are evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to undermine a presidential election, but Democrats paying Russians for disproven rumors and using them as “evidence” to launch a Deep State coup is NOT collusion with Russia to undermine a presidential election.
Hoxie says that now, even some critically thinking Republicans have accepted evidence that *45 colluded with Russia to undermine a presidential election, There is no Deep State coup being planned. There is only a deeply deluded, demented occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, whose swift disposition I pray for daily.
18. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that 2 + 2 only equals 4 because of white supremacy.
Hoxie says that 2 + 2 equals 4 AND white supremacy is a reality. One has nothing to do with the other. Hoxie also says that many white people, bless their little souls, think they’re superior just because they lack melanin.
19. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that there are 57 genders but only one acceptable political viewpoint.
Hoxie says that regardless of the number of genders and their variations due to chromosomal differences, hormonal imbalances or whatever, there are lots of political viewpoints. And then, there is what is the sound, reasonable viewpoint that without a change, the country will get to a point of no return and there will be no redemption. Politics be damned! This is NOT the time for us vs. them, red vs. blue, black vs. white, gay vs. straight. In Hoxie's lifetime, this is the most critical time for people to unite and hold this country before a few misplaced folks at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, destroy it.
20. It is said that to be a Democrat today, you have to believe that burning a flag is protected free speech, but objecting to someone burning a flag is not.
Hoxie says that courts have ruled that burning a flag is protected free speech. It is objectionable to her, only because of what is supposed to symbolize, and to many. It is far more objectionable that men and women who have dedicated their lives, and many who have given their lives, in defense of what the flag is supposed to symbolize, to be treated like they are less than and other, by those who have hidden behind their parents' wealth and dishonest doctors, to escape their duty to serve.
Thank you Mike, whoever the heck you are, for your list that was so offensive and reprehensible that it inspired me to create my own.
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