The anti-abortion people who don't give a whit about a child after birth are getting on my last nerve.
I am not so keen on abortion, but, dang people: a rape victim? a child? a risk of death? I've not had to make those kinds of decisions, and I hurt for those who have, but hurt even more for those who have no option.
Meanwhile, for those who would force women to have babies, are you prepared to feed, clothe, educate, and nurture them? Pay their medical expenses? Or do you want to snatch them up to enslave them? Sell them? Pimp them?
In this country’s current socio-political climate, it is commonplace to kill people, to kill children at school, to push older people off buses – to their deaths. Will it now become commonplace to rape women to conceive babies, knowing they cannot legally abort?
Just gotta ask, especially those who are praising god (no capital g here, intentionally): What are the limits on your “pro life” stance? Is it enough for you that a child is born? That is only the beginning of life outside the womb. How far are you willing to go to support “life?” Will you be there with a year’s supply of diapers? Formula? Will you pay for day care? What about medical checkups? Vaccinations? Oh, are you against vaccinations as well as abortions?
No, you’ll not be “there” for any child, not until the child is in trouble. Then you’ll have a “quick” way for the child to make a few dollars — on the street, maybe selling his/her body, selling drugs. And when the child is arrested you will have a private prison in which you own an interest, to warehouse the offender. And upon release, the cycle will repeat.
No, you are not pro life. You are pro profit.
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