There are dads out there who are nothing more than 20th and 21st century Johnny Appleseeds. They spread their seeds wherever they go, many of them sprouting. While these sprouts get some kind of nourishment, they get very little nurturing from their male planters. The Johnny Appleseed types don't stick around to provide nurturing, and contribute little to the sprouts' nourishment, hence the need for motions for contempt in family courts across the nation.
Many of the little sprouts, despite their lack of proper attention from their dads, grow to be not just big and strong, but mature, responsibile, compassionate, caring and considerate adults -- like the 44th POTUS. Other sprouts grow to be big and strong too, but they become drug dealers and/or abusers of drugs, their women, children, and anyone unfortunate to cross their paths, oftentimes perpetuating the abusive behaviors of whomever planted their seeds.
And then there are those who are chameleons, taking on whatever persona suits them at the moment. These are the ones we should all stay away from. They are very dangerous, and any contact with them can be lethal. One minute they can be the most righteous, holier-than-thou, Bible thumping, first-row-in-the-sanctuary-sitting, always-shouting and raising holy hands men, all the while wondering why no one else feels what they feel, and grieving over the seeds they planted that grew into those who are the exact opposite of the 44th POTUS. The next minute they can be as cold, dispassionate, uncaring, and sociopathetic as any rightfully convicted serial-killer-death-row inmate. They can parasitically suck one's resources of every kind and character dry, lay waste to lives and think nothing of it, even as they counsel others, employing Biblical principals to help them live theirs better.
Dealing with the first two "dad" types -- the 44th POTUS and the exact counterparts of same, is no big deal. Why? Because, basically, WYSIWYG is the catch phrase of the day for them: what you see is what you get. But beware of the third "dad" type -- the chameleon. You will never know what persona he will take. What you will learn, however, is that no matter how wrong he is about any situation, everyone under the sun will be to blame -- but never him. He will break the law and try to justify it. He will lie to the courts and hide behind some duped or duplicitous or just plain old greedy lawyer. But take heart: as my dad (see Real Dads of the Darker Nation Part 1) was known for saying --
- time will tell
- you might get by but you won't get away
So a word to all the chameleon types of the world: your time is coming.
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