Saturday, January 10, 2009

Broken But Not Broke

There are so many ways to be broken -- spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, emotionally, politically, and the list goes on.   When you contemplate your existence, do you think in terms of the positive aspects or the negatives aspects -- or both?  And if both which do you think of first? Or do you do a "this is okay, but that really stinks" kind of back-and-forth thing?  Or worse, do you compare yourself with someone else?  You know -- "I'm in this hole but her situation is so much worse."  Come on folks -- you know very well of what I speak.  

We can all talk about the stuff of life.  It happens to all of us.   We all have our ups and downs.  Some days are better than others.   But generally there's a cycle:  we're either about to go into a conflict, we're in a conflict, or we're coming out of a conflict.  (For those of you who don't like the word "conflict," just pick one that makes you feel better about it.  Whatever word you decide to use will not change the outcome of the cycle.)

While for some of us the path is pretty well laid out straight and flat, others live on roller-coasters.  I think about a little girl I know.  Well, she was a little girl at one time in her life, and grew into a fairly decent young woman.  Despite the many challenges of childhood, the ugliness of public school and the cruelty of many of her peers, she graduated from high school (with honors), went straight to a respected university (with an academic scholarship), graduated in four years, went to work thereafter, continued the next layer of her education with a graduate degree, and a few years ago married an angel whom God kicked out of heaven just for her.   Of course, even the straightest, flattest path can have some bumps in the road, but even those did not break her.  She now devotes her career to kids whose paths have been neither straight, flat or smooth.   

That young woman's mother's path has been remarkably different.   Although a fairly good student, no scholarships paved her way to college.  Blessed with a modicum of talent, a measure of intelligence and a few skills, she has had three distinctly different careers, each ending by no choice of hers.   As has gone her professional life, so has gone her personal life.  Bruised and broken by an orphan disease for which comparatively little research is done, the prejudice of a system that denied her what she rightfully earned, the early loss of father and father figures, the realization that relationships intended to be permanent more often than not are only temporary -- or sometimes just wispy ideas that are never intended (by the other party thereto) to be tangibly realized, and the fluctuation of her ability to be self-sustaining, are just a few factors that might cause others to want to end their own lives.     

(Speaking of folks who want to end their own lives, let's digress for a moment from this woman of modest means.   Recent news reports are fraught with accountings of wealthy folks committing suicide.   What's up with that?   Society places so much importance on wealth.  The problem is, society's only measure of wealth seems to be one's accumulation of money.  Many mistakenly believe that money is the answer to every problem.  News flash:  NOT SO!!!  It is truly unfortunate because there are folks who think that their money makes them more desirable that others, better than others, more entitled than others, blah, blah blah.  There are even bigger fools who think that spending their time with monied folks somehow translates into them being better, more desirable, more entitled, blah, blah blah.)    

Okay -- back to the mother:  During a period of unrest, transition and uncertainty in this older woman's life, in a matter of days she lost the one whom she had thought would be a lifetime mate, and she lost one whom she thought was a dear friend.    Having long accepted that no one lives forever, had these folks for whom she cares deeply actually died, the pain would not have been seemingly unbearable, and instead of a myriad of questions -- espcecially the "whys" -- she would have had a measure of peace.  Needless to say these folks are still living and breathing and going on as if they just took out the day's trash.  After days of tormenting unrest, anguish, and ugliness, the woman found peace.

I asked this woman how it is that the uncertainty of her future, the loss of her husband and friend, and her present inability to sustain herself have not driven her over the edge.  She admitted to me that just at the moment when she felt most broken, she found peace.  Her situation did not change, but she saw it from a different perspective.  "And then" she tells me, "I had the pleasure of seeing my daughter, who can be so wise beyond her years, and who reminded me that even now God knows what I'm going through, and that He has always kept me and will continue to do so."   

Unlike the so-called wealthy, this woman, who for a season is broken mentally, emotionally, physically and financially by failed relationships, lost business opportunities, an orphan disease, and the prejudicially biased rulings of federal administrative judges, is not broke.  She is wealthy far beyond the measure of any of this world's wealth.   Not once has she thought of giving up on life because she is financially challenged.  And unlike the wealthy who have lost millions and are still millionaires (or billionaires), for this woman there is still much too much month at the end of the money.  Even so, she is rich with the overflowing love of the Giver of Life.  It is because of Him that she gets up everyday and works at whatever tasks are put before her.  It may be that because of him or her, husband (especially him) or friend, that her way to others may seem bleak, but it is because of Him that she can sing "His Eye is on the Sparrow" and truly mean it.  The true capital of her life does not start with a dollar sign, but with a G, an S and an H.  For God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, her Creator, her Savior and her Guide protect her, sustain her and guide her, especially when she is broken.   But because of her God in three persons, she is truly wealthy and never, never broke.

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.  Amen.  (Jude 1:24)

Soli Deo gloria.

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