Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why I Support THAT ONE -- Part II

I already knew we had gone to the dogs. But now folks don't even care to clothe their negativity, disdain, hatred, whatever you want to call it, in a modicum of courtesy and pseudo respect. (Even in Congress they refer to each other as the distinguished gentleman.) As I watched the "debate" on Tuesday evening (7 October), I observed the other guy point to and refer to my candidate of choice as THAT ONE as if he were identifying a defendant sitting at a table in a courtroom, on trial for his life. (Have you ever wondered how many folks [and I am sure there are many] who, lying, pointed to a defendant and identified him as the perpetrator of whatever crime, but who was truly innocent, and who later was MURDERED [okay -- most folks would say executed] for something he did not do? Just curious. Sorry -- I digress.)

As I write this, I cannot remember which lie the other guy was telling at the time; but I remember my indignation, and my candidate's calm demeanor. The other guy seemed to be on a rant. Perhaps he envisioned having stepped into some kind of muck and was reaching for a lone twig to grasp in hopes of pulling himself out. I supposed he thought my candidate would jump in the muck with him and they would both be too dirty and foul to be distinguishable. Not so. My candidate did not go there. In fact, the other guy spends a lot of time uttering my candidate's name in conjunction with junk, some twisted, some taken out of context, some exaggerated, and some just blatant lies.

Is my candidate a saint? Does he waste time talking about what's-his-name? Does he ever speak of the other guy in derogatory terms? Has he ever questioned the other guy's patriotism? Not at all. Not very much. Nope. Not that I have ever heard.

I support Mr. Obama -- THAT ONE -- because he is THE ONE who treats his opponent -- the other guy -- with dignity and respect -- whether the other guy deserves it or not.

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