I am particularly miffed by black stereotypes. One can jump through all the hoops -- high school graduation (at or near the top of class, of course), college, graduate school, professional licenses, certifications, employment in demanding positions (sadly, still anomalies but admittedly not as sparse as in the past), an occasional promotion, blah, blah, blah, and the only way Joe is capable of analogizing the failure of:
- a graduate of Columbia and Harvard Universities (magna cum laude)
- a former professor at a top-ranked U.S. university (having taught, of all things, the very Constitution which he will swear to preserve, protect and defend)
- a presidential candidate whose political campaign runs like a well-oiled machine
- a man whose IQ, through logical deduction, most likely qualifies him to be a member of MENSA (perhaps Joe is unfamiliar with this organization)
to straightforwardly answer Joe's question, instead tap danced almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr.???
How pathetically limiting one's nano-sized mind can be. And how very unfortunate this country is, to have had such types in authority. We have all suffered for it.Perhaps there is time to undo the damage that has been done. Perhaps one day, more small-minded folks will learn to look beyond what they see and realize that every book should be opened and read for content. (It is assumed, of course that Joe is literate. Please see previous post: Why Johnny Can't Read). That's how we learned about Palin the Pathetic. She's not hard on the eye. And I really like some of those cute little outfits -- especially the jackets. On the other hand, when she opens her mouth, out comes the most incomprehensible driveler. Sooooo, she might be of the more desirable hue, one of the paler nation and all (if you have not read a previous post, for more about the paler nation I commend to you The Emperor of Ocean Park, authored by Stephen Carter), but my goodness, she talks like a movie's sterotypical dumb broad. The scary part about that is, unlike Obama tap dancin' around a question, Palin opens her mouth and all sorts of doggy doo, bird droppings -- I hope you get the point -- gush forth under the pressure of a fireman's water hose. As Colin Powell said on "Meet the Press" this morning -- we have read that Palin book for seven weeks, and it's not worth the paper on which it is printed.
Give me a tap dancin' Obama any day.
Oops -- I almost forgot to answer the question: Why couldn't Joe have said Fred Astair??? Because Joe is stuck on black. To people like Joe, the value of the darker nation rarely extends beyond entertainment. No offense to the late Mr. Davis and those he left behind.
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