Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today is the Day to FIRE Sheila Jackson Lee

This writing is starting her day off behind schedule.

By now I should have been on the other side of Houston, heading out I45 toward Galveston.  This is too important not to take another few minutes to hastily post this plea to all who live in the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

To the supposed constituents* of Sheila Jackson Lee:  Today is the day you have an opportunity to get rid of the ineffective representation of Sheila Jackson Lee.  To make this happen YOU MUST GO TO THE POLLS and vote!!!

Mrs. Lee's supporters will tell you that her opponent, Jarvis Johnson, doesn't have experience.  Well, guess what office Mrs. Lee held before seeking the one she has now held far too long?   She was a member of Houston City Council.  And, guess what office Jarvis Johnson holds?   He is a member of Houston City Council!    In other words, the "no experience" plea is a lame attempt that has no foundation.

It is more than Mr. Johnson being a native Houstonian rather than a transplant.  It is more than Mr. Johnson having roots in the community he has served for many years, even before being elected to the Houston City Council.  The compelling reason to fire Sheila Jackson Lee and vote for Jarvis Johnson is that she has simply outlived her usefulness in the 18th.

Complacency and apathy are not characteristics of just the electorate; they are common symptoms of a diseased governing body as well.  And Mrs. Lee failed to get immunized against the disease that manifests itself in part with complacency and apathy.

There is another manifestation of this disease:  it is called selfishness.  Our representatives should be selfless in their service, not selfish.  If you are a resident of the 18th Congressional District, one of those folks the media and elected officials (and therefore, hired servants) call ORDINARY Americans, and had occasion to call an office of the 18th with a problem, chances are you were told either:  1)  you are not on the voter registration rolls; 2) we have over 500,000 people in this district and we can't . . . . blah, blah blah.  On the other hand, if your name is known for whatever reason:   pop star, athlete, unfortunate victim of a heinous murder a la dragging (not to make light of the horrible murder of Mr. Byrd), or hurricane, then you may see Mrs. Lee, but only via television or the internet.

The bottom line is this:  the 18th Congressional District needs effective representative of its citizens, someone who understands the root of their problems, not just sees the outcome, but what lies beneath.  The 18th needs someone in tune with them, not just folks in Vidor and Never Never Land.

The 18th Congressional District needs someone like Jarvis Johnson.   Whatever you do today, PLEASE GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE!

*By the way, why do you think the phrase "supposed constituents" was used?  Well, I'm glad you asked.  Think really hard for a moment, and try to conjure up ONE instance in which you believe Mrs. Lee was representing you.  Well?

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