Today I received an e-mail, via Twitter, from someone inviting me to be a "guest blogger" at "progressivethink" Since this is not the run-of-the-mill junk/spam, I went to the blogsite to explore.
Like most folks who use labels to define themselves and other folks, it appears from a cursory inspection that Progressive Think is yet another six-sided confinement, a/k/a a box, in which one must fit in order to comport with that blogsite's standards. Taken aback, I trotted over to to reassure myself of the meaning of the word "progressive." "Of, relating to, or characterized by progress" is one thing. And "thinking like our founding fathers" is not necessarily a bad thing. But considering that holding slaves was not beneath many of our founding fathers, this particular descendant of slaves cannot help but wonder, which part of "thinking like our founding fathers" do the good folks at progressivethink have in mind? And while I do not agree with President Obama's positions on all matters (as I have never agreed with any President, regardless of political label, on all matters), it appears that if I am an Obama supporter, my writing would not be appropriate for progressivethink. In other words, I am free to express myself on that site as long as my thoughts align with theirs. And they dare to invoke belief in the Constitution. Perhaps an exception is made as to the First Amendment. And what about those other good old Amendments? If the first is excepted, are the 13th et seq. excepted as well? In other words, is this writer of the Darker Nation considered slave or free? Fractionally or wholly human?
I am reminded of a recent sermon or Bible study (I forget which, and I guess it really doesn't matter), Pastor Steve Wells reminded us that centuries ago the word "awful" had a meaning distinctly different from how that word is used today. With that thought in mind, I am trying to conjure up what the good folks at progressivethink intend for the words "progressive," "conservative," and "libertarian" to mean as used in the context of that blogsite. Perhaps they are akin to what some folks call the "good old days." Now those days are different, depending on whom you query.
Like it or not, this is one nation under God, for God is over everything. Unfortunately, the "indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" part is under serious attack. Think about the struggles and strife which dominate today's media. Rather than pulling together, there are tugs of war. Rather than pulling together, one group is saying "no" to everything that is productive and doable, and another is saying "yes" to everything that is ridiculous and damaging. No one seems to be thinking about the good of the whole. We are plagued by the party of everything goes and the party of no. This writer longs for the party of reason and common sense.
And before my super-liberal acquaintances start their victory lap over this little blog, please take a look in the nearest mirror. The bottom line is this: regardless of the label to which the reader subscribes, there is something radically wrong with whomever thinks that everyone who does not think and believe exactly one's way all wrong, and one is all right.
Get a grip, folks, we're all messed up in so many ways. Why not stop the finger-pointing and start looking in the mirror? I dare you to take a look. See that? That little zit on the tip of your nose? You might be able to do something about that before you mention mine. Now that would be progress indeed.
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