PREEMPTIVE MEASURE: The writer treads into this sensitive area knowing that some may be offended or hurt. Please know that the writer's intent is not meant to cause offense or pain, but to (hopefully) encourage one to take proactive measures about this emotionally-charged problem.
FACT: as sure as we were born we are all sure to die. What happens between those two points on the spectrum of eternity is for another time.
No matter how invincible one may delude oneself into believing one is, without regard for race, color, creed, socio-economic status, or class (or lack thereof) -- whether rich or poor, young or old, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist, or Confused -- one day will be the last.
So why all the fuss about pulling the plug? Many have agonized over such an ordeal. Some have envisioned a vegetative state in which there is no possibility of recovery and believe such a state of being is undesirable. Others want to "live" regardless of their quality of life -- or lack thereof. (Perhaps they are afraid because of their acts of omission and/or commission, by thought, word or deed, against the divine majesty of whatever god in which they believe. [God forbid if they believe in mine. ] But that's for another time and another blog.)
If you are of the former mindset, I urge you to take the necessary steps to protect yourself from being subjected to having your body maintained by unnatural means if there is no possibility of recovery. (NOTICE TO LAWYERS AND UPL [unauthorized practice of law] ZEALOTS: consider the foregoing suggestion as practical, ministerial advice as opposed to legal advice.) By taking proactive steps yourself, you will free your family or friends from 1) agonizing over the decision to "pull the plug" and 2) free yourself from family members who just cannot "let you go." And to those who cannot "let go:" consider the suffering of your loved one. For whose benefit would you have one remain? His/hers, or yours?
If you are of the latter mindset, and believe that as long as you are "breathing" you are "alive," consider this:
Is this life?
Lying still in bed
Never aware -- no way to know
That others care
No means to
Let go a giggle
Stifle a yawn
Shed a tear
Rise early by the dawn
See the sun shine
Spread warmth and cheer?
Is this life?
Day in and out
Always alone
With every thought
Up and down
Work all day
Home to hear
No one say
How did it go?
I hope it was great
But must have been busy
Since you're so late
Just couldn't wait
To have you home
Time for us
To be alone.
Is this life?
Through manmade power
Making hearts beat
If just another hour --
Or day week, month or year
With eyes, arms or ears
Too blind to see
Nor touch, nor hear
Nor can feel
A bird in a tree
A buzzing bee
Screaming sirens in the night
Noisy crickets out of sight
Trains on tracks
Keyboard-thumping computer hacks
A hug
What is life -- without a hug?
(©1995 Andrea Hoxie)
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