Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just live; just worship

It was a rehearsal like any other, and yet, it was unique in its own way.  As usual, our gathering began with a little stretching of most bodies tired from the day, and vocal exercises for already strained voices.  Still we go through these exercises and find that afterwards we are, as usual, a little more relaxed and a lot more focused on the plan of attack devised by our minister of music.

As the rehearsal progressed from one musical work to the next, it was more like worship.  Getting caught up in the message and movement of a song is nothing new to this writer.  And it matters not when or where.  Somewhere in the middle of "At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" the 60 or 70 or so folks seemed to number in the thousands.  At that moment I was reminded of soap-box speeches from years ago, reminding my choirs that worship is not just what you do on Sunday morning; it's about how you live.  Tonight I was reminded that even in the process of preparing for worship, there is worship indeed.

I cannot help but wonder if remaining mindful that living is itself a form of worship, will folks see -- hear -- and experience from this vessel -- more of Christ and less of Andrea?   We shall see.

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