.The Video That Prompted the Question
A rare note from me re politics:
Dear Mr. Romney,
I am an independent and have never in 40 years voted a straight party ticket. You never know which candidate of which party will get my vote. After viewing this video (see the link above), I cannot help but wonder if you have counted me as one of the folks you have written off.
I have undergraduate and graduate degrees, have pursued additional post graduate studies, and have professional credentials and licenses; but I don't work a lot. And, for the record, it is not because I have a flawed work ethic. What I do have is a flawed body and, to some, a flawed paint job.
For 16+ years I have lived with a chronic medical condition that often dictates if and when I will get out of bed. Even so, when I was bedridden for 18 months straight and wasn't even allowed to READ, I was denied the social security disability income to which I was ENTITLED BECAUSE I HAD PAID TAXES, by an administrative judge who in later years was found to systematically render biased opinions about people who look like me. Now, I am no longer eligible to receive the benefits for which I PAID TAXES; someone else will benefit from MY LABOR and contributions. I often wonder what will happen if one of my walks through the valley of "out-of-remission" turns into another 18-month-or-longer confinement to bed.
Of course, I have a solution: line all of your good Texas buddies up and have them contact me. (I'm easy to find; just type "Andrea Hoxie" in the search box or address window of your browser, especially if you use Google, and you will find me; or send me a comment on this blog page.) I will hook them up with some nice seven-figure equity indexed universal life insurance (EIULA) policies and use the commissions to:
1) get licensed in other states so you can send your buddies all over the country to me so that I can show them the tax-free EIULA hook-up; and
2) get a couple of those EIULA policies for myself. Then I can borrow from mine, tax free, as your friends will do with theirs, and support myself for the remainder of my life . . . perhaps. I will even be able to see my doctor quarterly and do all of the tests she prescribes. And I will painlessly afford the cost of the one prescription that is currently $157.11/month.
And, I will hire an assistant, someone who can help me do the things I need and want to do for myself and help other people (most of whom you have already counted off) change their thinking, and by doing so, their lives. In return, my assistant will be paid a decent wage (that means, well above minimum) and will be mentored, the intent being that working with me will be a stepping stone to something better. And when I send that assistant off to better things, hoping that she (or he) will have a heart to help others whom you have already counted off, I will simply hire another assistant and start the process again.
And . . . I will be able to attend opening night opera and ballet performances which have not been in my budget for years, meet more of your good-old-boy/gal buddies, and sell more EIULA policies, making more commissions to fund my ministry, hire another assistant, and further perpetuate the helping out someone whom Romney has written off campaign.
Perhaps then, I can be assured you will not have written me off. Now, let's get started, Mr. Romney: send all of your Texas cronies to me. Even they will be treated with decency and respect, just I treat those whom you have written off.