So what? Well, I've got news for you!!! Whether you're just getting started and haven't decided what you want to do with your life, or contemplating a career change, consider this:
Caveat: I have no statistics, but all you have to do is open your eyes and see that --
1. An alarming number of men wear clothing several sizes too large. What is problematic is that their trousers, those garments designed to fit around the waste, are being worn several inches below the waist -- sometimes below the buttocks. Aside from the flashing of boxer shorts, which this writer simply cannot understand why this fashion statement is "in" -- have you ever noticed how one must walk when one's trousers are much too large and worn well below the waste? Even when secured by a belt, it is necessary for the wearer of such foolishness to walk with his legs farther apart than is natural. It is doubtful folks who wear baggy trousers have given little consideration to the long-term effects of poor walking posture. Our bodies are a delicate balance of chemicals and minerals comprising systems of muscle, tissue, bone, connective tissue -- blah, blah, blah. We are engineering marvels of the Creator, and He did not create us to walk in such unnatural ways as required by baggy pants.
2. An alarming number of women wear extremely high heels -- all the time. This writer actually knows a woman who claims not to be able to wear flat shoes! What is problematic is that over time the wearing of high heels damages muscles and joints.
So what does all this have to do with the next wave of hot careers??? Well, I'm glad you asked. I figure in the next 10 to 20 years we're going to need a lot more podiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, chiropractors, manufacturers of durable medical equipment for stuff that hasn't even been invented yet, special insurance plans to pay for all this crap (you know -- like you can buy a cancer policy today that pays in the event of that kind of diagnosis).
Yessiree, buddy: the fashion industry is going to do for us what the pharmaceutical industry has done. Just as legal drugs are destroying our bodies from the inside out with side-effects and organ damage,* baggy pants and high heels are damaging our musculature and spines.
I suppose, however, that it is unfair to blame the fashion industry. Is there a gun to our heads? Are we under threat of the loss of life if we don't buy trousers that don't fit? Or shoes that make us as tall as we want to be? (Like -- I am vertically challenged and wish I could be as tall as my Sweet Pea, who has literally looked down on me since she was 14 years old.)
Just a little something to think about this evening. Now -- I need to go take inventory of my shoes . . .
*Organ damage: NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors)= are culprits that can cause renal failure. NSAIDs include some popular over-the-counter drugs. ACEs can constrict blood vessels and cause hypertension. Having Sarcoidosis, I am prone to have high levels of ACEs, which is why I have high blood pressure, something I never had before the big S. Have you noticed how many dialysis centers have been built in the last 10 years?